The distance from Seba Sitesi to Ortaköy Aparts Residences will be 1,6 km and take approximately 5 dk. and on foot - 1,2 km and take approximately 15 dk.
The distance from Seba Sitesi to Kosher Yosef Hotel Ortaköy Suites House&Residance & Certification sertifika & sertifika teuda kosher Koer kaer belge will be 1,8 km and take approximately 6 dk. and on foot - 1,1 km and take approximately 14 dk.
The distance from Seba Sitesi to stanbul Smart Apt Portakal will be 850 m and take approximately 3 dk. and on foot - 850 m and take approximately 12 dk.
The distance from Seba Sitesi to Corner Hot & Hot Budget will be 1,7 km and take approximately 6 dk. and on foot - 1,2 km and take approximately 15 dk.
The distance from Seba Sitesi to Mimar Sinan Ortakoy Kiz Ogrenci Yurdu will be 1,0 km and take approximately 5 dk. and on foot - 750 m and take approximately 10 dk.
The distance from Seba Sitesi to Armaggan Bosporus Suites will be 1,8 km and take approximately 6 dk. and on foot - 1,3 km and take approximately 17 dk.