The distance from TAKSM STAR HOTEL to Cihangir Palace Hotel will be 500 m and take approximately 3 dk. and on foot - 500 m and take approximately 6 dk.
The distance from TAKSM STAR HOTEL to Cihangir by Aydın Suite Hotel Istanbul Отели Стамбула فندق في إسطنبول will be 550 m and take approximately 3 dk. and on foot - 550 m and take approximately 7 dk.
The distance from TAKSM STAR HOTEL to Style Star Hotel Cihangir will be 1,1 km and take approximately 6 dk. and on foot - 300 m and take approximately 4 dk.
The distance from TAKSM STAR HOTEL to Port Bosphorus Hotel will be 1,3 km and take approximately 5 dk. and on foot - 950 m and take approximately 13 dk.
The distance from TAKSM STAR HOTEL to The Marions Suite Hotel Taksim will be 240 m and take approximately 2 dk. and on foot - 240 m and take approximately 3 dk.
The distance from TAKSM STAR HOTEL to Liberi Hotel Taksim will be 2,6 km and take approximately 12 dk. and on foot - 550 m and take approximately 8 dk.