The distance from Turan Karakullukçu Erkek Örenci Yurdu to Saadet Öcalgiray Kız Örenci Yurdu will be 71 m and take approximately 1 dk. and on foot - 71 m and take approximately 1 dk.
The distance from Turan Karakullukçu Erkek Örenci Yurdu to Üründül Kız Yurdu will be 1,0 km and take approximately 3 dk. and on foot - 48 m and take approximately 1 dk.
The distance from Turan Karakullukçu Erkek Örenci Yurdu to Gök Kiz Ogrenci Yurdu will be 900 m and take approximately 3 dk. and on foot - 1,0 km and take approximately 11 dk.
The distance from Turan Karakullukçu Erkek Örenci Yurdu to senanin kalbi will be 3,7 km and take approximately 8 dk. and on foot - 1,0 km and take approximately 14 dk.