The distance from KURTKÖY GÜNLÜK KRALIK DARE EV to Fourtec Kurtköy Otel will be 2,9 km and take approximately 7 dk. and on foot - 2,9 km and take approximately 36 dk.
The distance from KURTKÖY GÜNLÜK KRALIK DARE EV to Rezidans SUTE PENDK KURTKÖY YENEHR GÜNLÜK HAFTALK DARE will be 1,3 km and take approximately 4 dk. and on foot - 1,3 km and take approximately 17 dk.
The distance from KURTKÖY GÜNLÜK KRALIK DARE EV to ZOOM HOTEL will be 650 m and take approximately 4 dk. and on foot - 350 m and take approximately 5 dk.
The distance from KURTKÖY GÜNLÜK KRALIK DARE EV to Emin Residence will be 3,0 km and take approximately 7 dk. and on foot - 1,7 km and take approximately 24 dk.
The distance from KURTKÖY GÜNLÜK KRALIK DARE EV to Ecorental House will be 2,4 km and take approximately 7 dk. and on foot - 2,8 km and take approximately 35 dk.
The distance from KURTKÖY GÜNLÜK KRALIK DARE EV to Ottoman Suites will be 2,9 km and take approximately 7 dk. and on foot - 2,9 km and take approximately 36 dk.