The distance from TC MEB LKSAN KARTAL KONUKEV to Princess Residence Kartal (TR) will be 2,1 km and take approximately 6 dk. and on foot - 1,4 km and take approximately 19 dk.
The distance from TC MEB LKSAN KARTAL KONUKEV to stanbul Öretmenevi lksan Kartal Konukevi will be 150 m and take approximately 1 dk. and on foot - 120 m and take approximately 1 dk.
The distance from TC MEB LKSAN KARTAL KONUKEV to LKSAN STANBUL ANADOLU YAKASI ETMCLER KONUKEV will be 240 m and take approximately 2 dk. and on foot - 29 m and take approximately 1 dk.
The distance from TC MEB LKSAN KARTAL KONUKEV to GOLDEN DREAM OTEL will be 950 m and take approximately 4 dk. and on foot - 800 m and take approximately 10 dk.