The distance from Handan Erturul Çada Yaam Kız Yurdu to G-Han Hotel will be 2,3 km and take approximately 8 dk. and on foot - 2,1 km and take approximately 25 dk.
The distance from Handan Erturul Çada Yaam Kız Yurdu to GHAN Otel will be 2,3 km and take approximately 8 dk. and on foot - 2,0 km and take approximately 24 dk.
The distance from Handan Erturul Çada Yaam Kız Yurdu to Kıbrıs Otelleri will be 2,2 km and take approximately 7 dk. and on foot - 2,0 km and take approximately 24 dk.
The distance from Handan Erturul Çada Yaam Kız Yurdu to O. Aktar Kız Örenci Yurdu will be 750 m and take approximately 4 dk. and on foot - 650 m and take approximately 8 dk.
The distance from Handan Erturul Çada Yaam Kız Yurdu to Göztepe Han Erkek Örenci Yurdu will be 1,8 km and take approximately 6 dk. and on foot - 1,5 km and take approximately 18 dk.