The distance from Polatzade 2 hotel to Abel Hotel will be 21,7 km and take approximately 29 dk. and on foot - 17,3 km and take approximately 3 sa. 16 dk.
The distance from Polatzade 2 hotel to Duhok Hotel Istanbul will be 450 m and take approximately 3 dk. and on foot - 300 m and take approximately 4 dk.
The distance from Polatzade 2 hotel to Matiat Hotel Istanbul will be 400 m and take approximately 3 dk. and on foot - 350 m and take approximately 4 dk.
The distance from Polatzade 2 hotel to Grand Hilarium Hotel will be 190 m and take approximately 2 dk. and on foot - 170 m and take approximately 2 dk.
The distance from Polatzade 2 hotel to Grand Sacanlar Hotel will be 350 m and take approximately 2 dk. and on foot - 290 m and take approximately 3 dk.
The distance from Polatzade 2 hotel to Bazaar Hotels Old City will be 140 m and take approximately 1 dk. and on foot - 140 m and take approximately 2 dk.