The distance from Rio Apart Otel to Lizzia Butik Hotel, Bakırköystanbul will be 750 m and take approximately 5 dk. and on foot - 82 m and take approximately 1 dk.
The distance from Rio Apart Otel to Bakırköy Otel Günlük Kiralık Daire Zara Suit will be 1,5 km and take approximately 7 dk. and on foot - 290 m and take approximately 4 dk.
The distance from Rio Apart Otel to BAKIRKÖYDE OTEL BLUEWAY HOTEL will be 900 m and take approximately 5 dk. and on foot - 230 m and take approximately 3 dk.
The distance from Rio Apart Otel to Pera Business Suit Otel will be 1,0 km and take approximately 6 dk. and on foot - 100 m and take approximately 1 dk.