The distance from Medekule residence to Grand Residence by Newinn will be 4,8 km and take approximately 6 dk. and on foot - 4,7 km and take approximately 1 sa.
The distance from Medekule residence to Hotel Golden Plaza will be 1,8 km and take approximately 4 dk. and on foot - 400 m and take approximately 5 dk.
The distance from Medekule residence to Özecem apartmanı will be 3,7 km and take approximately 7 dk. and on foot - 3,3 km and take approximately 43 dk.
The distance from Medekule residence to Tempo Madencilik Sönmez mangal kömürü ve Nargile kömürleri will be 9,1 km and take approximately 14 dk. and on foot - 28 m and take approximately 1 dk.
The distance from Medekule residence to lim Yayma Cemiyeti Akif nan Ortaöretim Yurdu will be 3,6 km and take approximately 6 dk. and on foot - 7,7 km and take approximately 1 sa. 41 dk.