The distance from Antik Konak Otel to Airport Aparts Arnavutköy Otel Arnavutköy Suit Hotel will be 5,8 km and take approximately 9 dk. and on foot - 2,1 km and take approximately 26 dk.
The distance from Antik Konak Otel to Arnavutköy Airport Suit Merkez Otel will be 11,4 km and take approximately 17 dk. and on foot - 11,5 km and take approximately 2 sa. 23 dk.
The distance from Antik Konak Otel to Arnavutköy Günlük Kiralık Daire will be 1,1 km and take approximately 4 dk. and on foot - 1,0 km and take approximately 11 dk.