The distance from Enam Orta Öretim Erkek Örenci Yursu to Zin D Home Çekmeköy will be 160 m and take approximately 1 dk. and on foot - 160 m and take approximately 2 dk.
The distance from Enam Orta Öretim Erkek Örenci Yursu to Intepe Poseidon will be 4,1 km and take approximately 8 dk. and on foot - 3,2 km and take approximately 42 dk.
The distance from Enam Orta Öretim Erkek Örenci Yursu to Kalyopi Otel Bozcaada will be 1,4 km and take approximately 5 dk. and on foot - 1,0 km and take approximately 14 dk.
The distance from Enam Orta Öretim Erkek Örenci Yursu to Özel Enam Ortaöretim Erkek Örenci Yurdu will be 10 m and take approximately 1 dk. and on foot - 10 m and take approximately 1 dk.